Thursday, May 22, 2008

Coffee and a doughnut?

I've sent in my pictures for the contest; contest deadline is May 26. I set up this scene in the driveway at home. The whole set-up is on a cookie sheet. I added sand along the edges to hide the edges of the pan and added some seaweed and rocks. I had thought to take the whole thing to Land's End and photograph it with the sea in the background. Nice thought, but impractical. Too many little bits and pieces to jostle about in the car.
Let's see, in this scene you can see someone is enjoying an early cup of coffee and a couple of doughnuts while working on a crossword puzzle. Fishing pole and tackle box are handy, as well as a straw hat. That seagull is ready to pounce! Of course, in real life those doughnuts would already be GONE! But, this is fantasy, right?
Looks like the toast is up and ready for butter. Lemonade is keeping cool by the register. You can't see it very well, but there is a radio blaring away on top of the frig. Can you see the ice cream sign on the front of the snack bar? That's delicious ice cream from Webber's in Farmingdale.

It was so fun to get down on my hands and knees to set this up, I felt like a little girl again. I could only send in three photos, so I was not able to show one side of the snack shack. Here you see the weather barometer and a "seaside" magnet, all from Tate's in Bath, a wonderful trove of goodies.
Here's Barnacle Bill himself, chewing on his pipe. Surf boards, boat rentals, let's hope nobody takes out this old wreck of a boat. As you can see, all the action is around the back! Well, in Maine, nobody uses the front door, do they?
Wish me good luck in the contest! I'll include the "other" side in another post.

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